Utterly of no interest to people who dislike random spurts of poetry, thoughts, short stories, and updates pertaining to my life.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
One Month In
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
As Expected, This Shit is a Roller Coaster Ride
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
First Impressions
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Things That I've Learned About Italy
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Italy - 1st Impression
We made it!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Before Takeoff
Lately I feel like no matter how hard I try to be positive and good, I am failing. You know how they say that some see the world through rose-colored glasses? Recently, I see the world through gray colored glasses. I can't appreciate the beauties around me, and I can't appreciate this time with friends and family. And though, of course, I feel this way once in a while all the time, this negative sludge has been creeping around in my sight and spirit for too long now. The only reason I can figure is that I am afraid.
Whether or not that has to do with my cynicism, I am certain that I am full of fear right now. I have already involved myself in something so much larger than anything else before, and I am speeding ever faster towards my chosen fate everyday. A week from tomorrow I begin my journey. Am I ready? NO! I haven't packed, I haven't finished my school work, I have no idea where I stand with my financial aid or my cell phone plans, or even my vegitarianism! There is so very much that I must do, and because this is my dream and I am an adult, I must do it all on my own.
Which is fine. I can do it. Don't doubt that. I am just experiencing a little trepidation... and panic. And I find myself wishing more than ever now that Phil shared this dream of mine. Then we could pump each other up, and it would be ok for me to be so afraid. But when I tell him of my fear, he worries that I've made the wrong decision for us both. And I need to be strong for him. This is my choice, and he beautifully chose to stick with me. So, I owe him that at least.
So full of awe that I will be somewhere I always dreamed of next week. And not temporarily. Chicago changed me SO much. Spending these past few weeks in Arkansas has shown me that! So, what will Italy do? I'll be there a year longer than I was in Chicago perhaps. Who will I be when I attain my MFA? Who will Phil be? I have no doubts right now that we will be together in the end. We are wonderful together. He is the pepper to my salt and the wind in my leaves. Maybe we will grow to be the super couple that Maggie predicted we would.
So, this week is the final countdown before my mind is blown from the experience that is Europe. And I have a lot to prepare and prepare for. I plan to record my experience across the sea on this blog, so please keep reading. I know I'm required to keep a journal for class, so some retrospective acting jargon may leak in every once in a while.
Wish me buona fortunas! Did I say that right?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Paparazzi and the Celeb Obsession
I have long been disgusted by our society's obsession with famous and beautiful. I don't buy Star magazine or watch Entertainment Tonight. It's not worth my time. The events of those strangers' lives have no affect on mine.
The article linked to this really infuriated me though. I just don't understand why we allow paparazzi to behave the way they do with no legal consequences.
First of all, why is it legal to stalk someone? Just because celebrity's lives are cush, does that mean they should have to be subjected to hourly scrutiny? The article says "these people are celebrities and they signed up for this." Did they? Just because one is successful?
We have to get permission from people before using their picture for marketing of advertising at the museum where I work. We can't make a profit off of someone that doesn't agree to it. Why can photographers capitalize off taking pictures of people who try, daily, to refuse them the right?
Why is this legal? I just don't understand. Why do I care about the affect this has on the same strangers whose lives I don't follow? Because I hate that people across the world who disagree with paparazzi still watch TMZ. Or the people who mold their lives around these celebrities, worship them even, and yet hatefully agree that the paparazzi are right: "that they signed up for this."
Do you think it's wrong? Do you support the sources that pay paparazzi good money to act like mongrels? Why?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Real Love? RealDolls
Friday, April 17, 2009
Anti-Gay Marriage Commercials

I wrote some really confusing and disjointed status updates with these links. Sorry about that. Below you can follow a link to the National Organization for Marriage website where they preach about religious liberty. They just launched a "$1.5 million ad campaign to protect marriage and religious liberty throughout the nation. The centerpiece of the new ad campaign is the 60-second TV spot 'A Gathering Storm,' bringing viewers face to face with the growing religious liberty threat posed by same-sex marriage."
Below is Steven Colbert's commercial against gay marriage. Enjoy:
Damn, that shit is funny...
Monday, April 6, 2009
Crazy Old Women

I work on an almost daily basis with people who give their time for free to educate people-- children mostly-- about nature. As you would expect many of these people are elderly, or at least late middle-aged. Older people have more money, stability, and time to spare, so they are the ones who volunteer the most. Working with so many more elderly people than I ever have before, I have learned a lot about myself and also, a lot about old people. From what I have gathered I have formed a theory: all women, at some point in their lives, go from normal to completely. fucking. crazy.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hold My Hand
me beside you, woman beside man
now I'm pulling ahead, excited to see
but you're not so sure, you begin to follow me
at first i don't notice, don't care maybe
our fingers are still locked indefinitely
slowly though, our hold begins to break
pinky then ring, now the middle's at stake
my focus on the path ahead begins to waver
I turn back to find that you're thinking about later
if I stop right now, will we make it in time?
couldn't you just try? i swear it'll be fine
you nod and you follow but i know something's not right
there's a furrow between your brows, your mouth held tight
smile for me please
I'll beg on my knees
just look at where we're going!
who cares about knowing?
as much as I want it, I know it's not that easy
frankly the whole think is making me feel sleazy
I kid you not, I feel like a criminal
Our hold is really breaking-- the feeling is visceral
I'm hoping and praying, and still it's not there.
I am painfully aware that what I ask isn't fair.
I don't want this anymore
I just want you to feel self assured
But am I willing to give it all up?
I'm still moving forward, but I feel stuck.
If you can't walk beside me, the pleasure is diminished
Will we be ok when it's all finished?
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Grad School Statement of Purpose
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Antonin Artaud said, “it has not been definitely proved that the language of words is the best possible language.” This quote encompasses my thoughtful journey as an artist from my final days in undergraduate school through my adventure in the“real world.” I have always known that I was willing to do whatever it took to work in the theatre. However, after moving to one of the top cities for theatre in the United States, I uncovered a passion for a kind of theatre that leaves words behind, or at least de-emphasizes them. Experiencing clown, circus, and mask theatre has roused in me the need to dedicate my life’s work to performing and sharing Physical Theatre. I want to set the foundation for that goal by getting the very best training, and I believe I will get that training at ADA. I know that there are people out there that seek graduate school as a means to fame or fortune, as just a bridge to a degree, or even as a way to put off being battered in professional theatre, but for me, attaining a Masters of Fine Arts is a means to getting the training, experience, and future stability that I need to succeed in my passion. ADA is the ideal school for me because it offers an unsurpassed richness of study,the opportunity to work with passionate peers and experts to hone unique techniques where they originated, and the schooling and life experience needed to set foot on the path to a lifetime of doing what I love.....
For a short period of my acting career, I was unaware of most styles of acting that weren’t based in some form of realism. I was surrounded by similarly educated people, and we dreamed together of making films and acting in plays that were just like life. I was satisfied by that, and I did not realize anything was lacking. When I first saw a play using masks, the effect it had on me was striking, and I will never forget it. A new professor at my undergraduate school directed The Visit with a variety of character and neutral masks, and the effect was hypnotizing.Though I knew nearly every actor as a friend, I could not see them behind their masks. What’s more, I found the story instantly more captivating and affecting because I felt like I could see the characters’ true selves. It was haunting and beautiful. Since then, I have sought out circus, puppet, movement, and clown theatre in my current home, Chicago, because I find it clearer, more delightful, magical, and inspirational. In physical theatre, I find an added layer of potency because of its heightened emotional state and its spectacle, and I want that potency to be a part of the rest of my life. ....
In order to do that, I want to participate fully in becoming an expert in the field, and unfortunately few schools in the world support that dream. The few that there are cannot attempt to compare with specialists like a founder of the Roy Hart Theatre or circus technicians like Claudia Schnürer. Some may offer opportunities to study abroad, but never to jewels like the Berliner Schule Für Schauspiel in Germany, the Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque in Belgium, and the Teatro Fondamenta Nuove in Venice. The training opportunities are utterly matchless. Moreover, I know of no MFA programs that can provide the chance to study these techniques on the very soil from which they stemmed. The mere suggestion of studying Commedia dell’Arte in the mountains where it originally toured for the people of Italy is absolutely electrifying. ....
However, for me attending ADA represents more than just taking great classes taught by great teachers. It would be the opportunity to build a community with peers and professionals. I am the type of person who thrives when working closely with other people whom I respect. If I am accepted into Ad'A, I look forward to creating work with people who have similar interests and to experiencing the joy of sharing community-based acting as opposed to the individualized technique that psychological realism supports. The concept of building an ensemble is exciting because the bonds of trust that would be formed would lead to deeper, more truthful work.....
I want to pursue this degree because I am ready to make a commitment to setting my life on a course of performing and teaching performance. I want to spend the rest of my existence sharing the magic of clowning, mask-work, and circus arts with audiences and students alike. I am seeking theatre as an art that shares the extraordinary and the enchanting with the everyman. I want to catalyze students to learn about themselves and inspire other people through these powerful techniques. I have been an informal teacher for six years, and a performer for eleven. To me, these two very different professions are unequivocally linked through a common goal: to illustrate a point of view in order to broaden another’s view of the world. This goal is something I endlessly enjoy and want to do for the rest of my life. Earning an MFA will allow me to teach on a college level,which will offer me stability, an outlet to research and experiment, and the opportunity to inspire passionate young people.....
I understand that I am going to be faced with challenges unlike any that I have faced yet, and I am ready to face them. Performance and teaching performance are among the most competitive professions, but I am ready to fight. I believe that studying at Ad’A will add immeasurable richness to my life, and I would very much like to pursue an education there if you will have me. I’m deeply grateful for your consideration,and wish you the best possible class for your inaugural year.....