Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Impressions

Was there ever a time in your life when you couldn't wait to be surrounded by people you didn't know because you longed for new companions? Not saying that your current friends weren't enough or sucked, but did you ever anticipate meeting new people-- making new friends?

I have. Once before when I entered undergrad, I was so anxious for the new friends I would make! Because I had focused so much of my attention on Richard, I wasn't close to anyone except him, and I wanted to meet new people and form new bonds. That way, if anything ever happened to our relationship, I would have people to turn to. And I did make the best friends I have ever had. First, I made lasting relationships with my dorm-mates, then with the people who grew with me in theatre. I fucking love those people.

It's also how I was looking forward to meeting my fellow MFAers in Italy. NOT saying that my friends in Chicago weren't cool because I loved them dearly. I was hoping to connect with people whom I could collaborate with, make art with, and laugh with-- I was hoping to re-meet my friends from undergrad in new bodies. How could I be so naive? I should have known that these people would be different. First of all, we're all adults and have established who we are. Secondly, we all come from different places with a wide-variety of backgrounds. I should have known that there would be no Kelsie-- how could anyone ever replicate her? There is no Chad, no Taylor, no Harvey, no Sharon. All the people I love live in the states and their personalities do not coexist in someone else's body here.

Here are my first impressions of my 12 (oh actually have only met 11 so far...) fellow classmates. I will not name names, label genders, or speak in depth for fear that they stumble upon this. I truly don't want to hurt their feelings, but I do want to record my first impressions. So, in a word:

1. Very Pompous
2. Brash
3. Naive
4. Flaky
5. Kat Guyer/Teletubby (had to do two!)
6. Shy
7. Snooty
8. Arrogant
9. Obtrusive
10. Cool/Friendly
11. Positive

What is their first impression of me? People always say it is so important, but I remember meeting Lacy, Doug, Harvey, etc. and my first impression of them really didn't matter in the end. It was just a funny topic of conversation.

They probably think I'm too... involved in Phil. We really do spend all of our time together, and I often blow off hanging out with them to stay home with him. But can you blame me? From my discriptions, I'm not really clicking with everyone to the max.

I'm not really concerned though. Class starts Monday, and aside from several bumps in the administrative road I am very much looking forward to this. I will try to keep you up-to-date about what techniques we are studying, but not go into too much jargon-y detail. As we learn, we will grow closer and learn about one another beyond the surface. I do very much hope that I can click with them though. It will be very difficult to create the kind of art I want to without being able to collaborate with competent, inspirational peers.

Anyway, enough shallowness. Buona Notte! Did I say that right?

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