Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Things That I've Learned About Italy

Here are a number of things that I have learned about Italy:

1. Everyone grows their own olives.
2. Beer, wine, and liquor are cheap here. For instance, a wonderful bottle of wine, a Frizzante Rossa Secco or something, only cost 6.50 euro.
3. Beer is not sold in six packs. It is either singular or in three packs.
4. Coke cans are usually shaped more like a fat red bull can.
5. Rice is packaged in an air-tight package.
6. Grocery store check ladies (never seen a man performing this job here) sit rather than stand.
7. The method of mosquito rejection is not screen on windows, it is instead a mini-heater called a vape. You insert a tiny, odorous chip that emits a smell that mosquitos find unpleasant.
8. There is no air-conditioning in Italy.
9. There is no such thing as a doggie bag at restaurants.
10. It is crude to drink beer out of the bottle.
11. Every household has at least one bidet.
12. I've learned how to use a bidet, and already I love it.
13. Everyone goes to the grocery store all the time.
14. There are rarely sidewalks in Italy.
15. Technology in general is sub-par-- but that's normal.
16. People go out and have drinks and food before dinner. It is called an aperitivo.
17. Many people, at least in Bogliaco, have pet turtles that they build houses for in their backyard.
18. There is no such thing as a full, queen, or king bed. They simply put singularo beds together.
19. Things are both ancient and innovative here. Italians live both practical and luxurious lives.
20. Sex is better in Italy.

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