Thursday, October 1, 2009

One Month In

Ahh. I have free time and energy right now! Incredible.

So, I've been in grad school for about a month now. We're down two students, and I wonder if everyone else will last sometimes. One left because his mom had returning cancer. He was an only child, she an only parent, so he left. Another left because she sucked at everything, left her husband in the states, and had a serious mental imbalance. So, now we have 12 and I couldn't be happier with the number.

Classes are going well! The first two weeks were very difficult, but I am adjusting to being in class all the time, and already our work is more advanced and therefore more interesting. My weakest class is probably Movement. However, I am by no means the weakest, a fact that really helps me move forward. If I am ever the worst at anything, I am usually unable to improve because embarrassment prevents me from spending to much thought on it. I am not the weakest at anything! And I would say I am one of the strongest in Acting. I am also taking Voice, Music (which I also kinda suck ass at, but not the worst!), Italian, and Philosophy. Philosophy is pretty interesting. We are studying comedy throughout history, beginning with the role of the body in it all since this is a Physical Theatre Program.

I am tired of wearing movement clothes all the time, and I don't think my body looks any differently despite all the working out. There is a crazy little dog named Ubu that belongs to the founding director whom I have taken a liking to despite his severe, unprecedented mood swings. He greeted me this morning, tail wagging, and then after my last class he growled like a demon-possessed at me until I left the courtyard. Darwin would be much loved here...

Phil and I are going to England in a couple weeks. One of my classmates is from there, and we can stay at her parent's house in Manchester for free. Should be pretty interesting. Louise (the English one) laughed hysterically at the expiration phrase on my credit card: "Good Thru." I guess that is weird to her...

Today is Phil's 30th birthday, and I threw a surprise party for him last night that was pretty fun. He is enjoying his Electric Bike and he enjoyed our trip to Rome. Both were for his birthday. He is doing pretty well, and isn't horribly bored alllllll the time. I wish he had more for himself here that would make him less bored/static, but mostly I am just so damn grateful that he is here. For me, life here is wonderful. Free food, free housing, and I thrive in learning environments. I rarely miss America, Chicago, or Little Rock (perhaps also because I rarely have time to). I would love for my family to come visit though. Just to get a perspective on what this is like. And I can't wait to come home for Christmas! For like 5 weeks or something!

So, basically to wrap this up, I am doing well. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Thata pic at the top almost had me peeing my pants. Is that really his picture you put on as the face?
