Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back on Track

I had three auditions today. And one on Saturday. It feels good to be back out there. I don't really expect anything out of any of them, but I feel like I did good at all of them.

On Saturday, I was extremely fortunate to get an audition slot for an equity house here called Remy Bumppo because I knew the casting director through Matt Chiorini (Thank you, Matt!). It is way out of my league, and I had to prepare two all new monologues the DAY BEFORE the auditions because I got the slot last minute. I did something from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Stoppard and from the Homecoming by Pinter. The artisitic director complimented me on the Pinter piece. Yay! He said it was a very challenging piece to perform and that I did it beautifully... part of me thinks that was his way of passively telling me it was out of my league. I really didn't know what I was doing...

Today, my first auditions was for the ARTsLeague or something. It was Romeo and Juliet and Midsummer.  They perform them every year for local highschool English classes. I really feel like I nailed that audition. The director was very responsive, but she didn't have me read any sides or call me back. She said I would know right away practically, but that she would definitely keep me on file for next year. I am afraid that my schedule conflicts that I vaguely indicated were the reason for the brush off. Next time, I will not admit any conflicts.

The second audition was for this crazy little theatre called the Trapdoor Theatre (probably because the entrance is rather hidden and creepy). They perform a bunch of intellectual theatre. Chekov and weird plays about Kafka and stuff. I performed well I thought, but she totally blew me off. I can go see shows there for free however since I am an actor and I have auditioned for them. Pretty cool.

My last audition today was for a Children's Theatre in the burbs. My monologue was hastily memorized on the train on the way there... not good policy I know... Anyway, it was fine. I felt dumb, but that's just how Children's Theatre makes me feel. I hope I get a call back because it will really pay well. They said I was great, but sent me briskly on my way claiming they were far, far behind schedule. If I got anything (which I doubt I will due to the character list that I couldn't really fit into), it would TOTALLY conflict with my new work schedule, but I was hush hush about it.

I'm not coming to town for ARshakes or Tisch auditions. I just can't afford to work for 8 weeks for $1200, and I don't want to go to grad school right now. 

Check out ding tonight for cheap tickets to visit me.

I start my new job tomorrow; wish me luck. I hope it's a better fit than the Children's Museum is.

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