Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Material Things

I was flying high today.

61 degrees today. In January. Phil and I both had the day off for the first time since before Christmas. We had a great night last night. We went shopping at IKEA for the first time. We got some really wonderful things to add to our new home together.


But then when I got home I discovered that a package my parents had sent to me which I had lazily left at the foot of the stairs earlier was gone. Someone took it. But the problem is that in the package was something very dear to my heart. Completely worthless to any other person, but to me it was very precious. Ok... this is embarrassing. It was a stuffed animal. I left him in Arkansas when I visited. I always sleep with him still... My boob tickles, ok! Anyway, I left him at the bottom of the stairs and some fucking greedy bastard took a package thinking it might be worth something. I'll probably never see him again. I am very sad.

He's probably in a garbage can somewhere right now.

I know it's just an inanimate object. It's strange that I have such stong feelings over cotton stuffing and man-made fabric. I could walk into any Toys R Us and find the exact same raccoon doll today. Only it wouldn't be all flat and dingy like Toby.... his name was Toby. And I loved him.... And I know it's stupid, but still I'm full of grief. I don't think Phil really understood.

Then, I got that new job I've been waiting to hear from for over a month. So, thankfully I can quit my current job which makes me miserable. Now I'm an educator and program designer for the Notebart Nature Museum. Whew.

Then, I went down the stairs to search the dumpsters for Toby. Not only was he not there, but I twisted my ankle at the bottom of the stairs.

But right now, I feel ok. Except the sadness over Toby. My house is spic and span, Phil and I added some new beautiful additions to the apt, I got that job...
And people care about me. I got some very nice messages and comments on that Boo Hoo blog I wrote (that this one is very similar too...) Thank you to all my friends and family that make me feel fulfilled and supported and loved.

But I still miss Toby... Who steals mail??? I fucking hate thieves. In fact, I have another blog about thieves... Fucking thieves...

What a rollercoaster today was.

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