Friday, December 8, 2006


Chris Haas was stolen from last night. What was stolen was valueable, hard to replace, and expensive.  One time this bitch stole a few of my headbands. Doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but one of the headbands was a special gift to myself I bought in Union Square one day, and god damnit I can't replace that. Also, a janitor stole like 75 bucks from me in highschool. That fucking sucked too. Oh yeah, my really cool bike too. Thieves just make me so angry.  For instance, I truly feel HATRED for whoever stole my headband.  It was really special to me. 

I was thinking earlier how I hate thieves more than any other criminal: murderers, pediophiles, drug dealers, rapists. But then it occurred to me that really all criminals are thieves in some way. Murderers are life thieves, pediophiles are childhood and innocence thieves, drug dealers are sobriety thieves, rapists are self-choice and sanity thieves. Even immoral people like racists are diginity and self-respect thieves.  So basically thieves are the top of the evil pyramid.  Now that I have realized this, I repent for any theft I have done in my life, which for while was pretty considerable.

And in order not to be really furious everyday and lose all hope, I have to believe that those people, those thieves, will get what's coming to them.  They have to have bad karma chasing them around.  If they don't, the world is cruel, and I want to cry and curl up in a ball. 

They'll get what's coming.  I guess all the things that have been stolen from me are payback for all the little things I stole when I was stupid. I wonder if it's all a vicious cycle uncontrolled by any power, but more like the ocean, pushing forward only to recede again and again.  But even the ocean is controlled by the moon...

Is there a God?

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