Saturday, April 23, 2011


I had such low expectations for returning to my home. When I thought about what was here, I remembered the ignorant rednecks and the stifling uniformity of chain restaurants and razorback events. And I guess because I was so unhappy in so many places over the past years, I am delightfully surprised by the pleasant aspects of living where I grew up.

1. It is extremely easy to get a job here. I scored two with no interviews or resumes involved. Are the good jobs? Of course not, but when I moved here I made a decision to stop moving forward with a career that I wasn't interested in (informal science education).  Working a job with hours is very different that what I'm used to, but is ultimately a refreshing change.

2. Little Rock is growing and changing, and it now offers more things that I love, that I don't think that is had before. Or perhaps, that I wasn't looking for before. I can go to hot yoga, and I can enjoy a health conscious, local meal at a small restaurant.

3. Things are really cheap here.  Oh my god. Everything is cheap here. I can see a movie for $5, and drink a "fancy" beer for less than $4. I ate a sandwich a Vino's the other day (where the brew their OWN BEER... mmmm!) for only $2.75. This is crazy to me, and I had forgotten how cheap life could be. And they even split checks here. Wild!

4. Arkansas is not urban. It has parks and trees and animals and birds, and it is stunning. I'm getting back into bird watching, plant identification, and hiking. The weather is nice enough to go running. It storms here in fantastical and frightening ways. Last night I was outside at a party, and the air softly smelled of honeysuckle. It is a distinct luxury to breathe here, and most humans know not what they are missing out on! And, my baby, Darwin, can actually be a dog here. Not an animal on a leash. I've never seen him so happy and playful. He is making friends and exploring forests, and I can't wait to take him swimming at the lake or on a river. His joy brings me joy.

5. Sure, I've run into people I know that I don't really ever want to see again, but I am also surrounded by people who know me and I can hang with.  I'm not always starting at the beginning, getting to know my friends. We go way back, and I can get notice at the last minute that something fun is happening and join in.  Fun and friendship is easy here. And because friends, family, and fun are easy, life is feeling easy, carefree, and hopeful.

6. The possibilities are open here. I am renewing my vigor for life. I see opportunities to keep learning and growing, as well as opportunities to go in the direction that I want to go. I am contacting old theatre contacts, introducing the idea of me as a teacher, leader, and director. I'm excited about actually headed in the direction I have always wanted to. And I feel sure that grad school is on the horizon.

I'm feeling more optimistic than ever for my future. Moving back to Little Rock has already proved a good decision. Things are not perfect, but Phil and I are working things out. And with the help of our friends and family, we're definitely headed there.

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