Saturday, October 2, 2010

Grow Up, You Little Bitch

Quit dreaming. Take responsibility for your actions.  Keep track of money that you spend.  Sometimes you just have to do things that you don't want to do. Nothing is perfect.

Just grow up. You've spent the last year gallivanting all over the world, racking up tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt, and now you can't handle your shit when you're back in the real world.  Right where you claimed that you wanted to be.  So what if your job makes you anxious, and who cares if your boss micromanages you.  He's given you all the flexibility in the world, make it work.  And why exactly are you surprised when your vocal and dance skills still come up short? It's not like you've been taking lesson. You have to work on things to get better at them. For that matter, you have to work on things for them to get done.  You can't just Facebook the day away and somehow get all of your programming written, and you'll have gotten back on top of writing your play.

So now you're stressed out, broke, and trying to support three + deal with some heavy student loans--- exactly where you knew you were going to be--- and you're upset about it?  Well, suck it up.  Because there are a lot of people in the world who have it a lot worse off than you, and frankly you are the only problem here.  Get over yourself, admit that you should do anything and everything the client asks of you, and do some fucking work.  Then you can pay bills, be less stressed, and be emotionally stable enough to work on your script.

Just grow the fuck up.

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