Monday, July 26, 2010

Return to Chicago

Well, I've moved all of my belongings and myself back to the States, Brooke's wedding has finally come and gone, and now it's time to complete the difficult task of finding a job and an apartment in the enormous machine that is Chicago. My plan all along has been to get a job bagging groceries at Whole Foods. Even though I am heavily overqualified for something like that, it is appealing to me. I like the company's initiatives, I love the food there, and this time around I want to avoid locking myself into a professional career that is going to take me in a direction in life that I don't want. However.... they rejected me. So, I have been scouring the theatre websites to see if this time around I can marry my two great loves: education and theatre. I have sent out several applications to theatre teacher opportunities, and I hope to hear back.

Then there is also this other opportunity.... a rather unconventional and unexpected one. The Museum of Science and Industry is looking for some crazy motherfucker who will agree to live in the museum for a month, and I am the perfect crazy ass bitch for the job.

So, I have spent a lot of time surfing the web, searching for apartments, and reconnecting with my Chicago contacts. I am so ready to get back to the urban wilderness that is Chicago, but I am really scared that I won't be able to get onto my feet as well this time as last time. I have a little less money and a little higher standards. But then again, I know people now, and that's half the battle. I just hope things work out.

Plus, I still want a puppy! Keep your eyes peeled for a cutie patootie corgi puppy with a vagina, not a penis (because Darwin wants a girlfriend).

Also, watch this:

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