Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Sparrow

I saw a remarkable play this weekend.   It's an original play by this AMAZING company called The House Theatre. It was the mose innovative, ingenious, and moving play I have ever seen. In my entire life. I have seen quite a lot of plays too! I wish I could go into depth about the directing choices that made it unique and captivating and the set design that BLEW my mind. Not because of its amazing tricks or largeness but because of its utter simplicity. Plus they used video! In a way I never imagined. Through this play I saw more possibilities than I ever thought possible on a stage. WOW. In the end, I was sobbing and smitten and totally changed.

The story of the company is almost the best part.  The founding members all either went to undergrad together in Texas or knew those people through other workshops. This is only their 5th season, and they are making a huge name for themselves. They write all of their own plays, and they always include music and dance, but nothing is conventional about the way they do this. Check out their website:

Ian and Nathan, I think you would be totally inspired by these people.

Chad, I wish we could ever make something like they are making.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Oh, just a blog

The wind was calm today. Balmy breezy. Brooke and Dad looked happy framed by large autumn trees. Darwin made us all laugh with his puppy antics.

It was a great weekend. I couldn't imagine it being better.

Tomorrow its back to work at the Chicago Children's Museum. I'm tolerating the job. It's fun sometimes, but mostly boring. I do love museums though. Apparently I get into all of them in the city for free now. With guests. Wanna go?

Its dark and chilly outside now.

To walk down an alley alone
Crunching on an old rat bone
I shiver and dig in deeper
Brush past the viney creeper
Barreling stiffly ahead
Appearing morose, full of dread
Millions of people marching coldly on
Night after day, day after dawn
My piggy bank's broken and brittle
There's an empty ache in my middle
My dreams are fading
I'm wimpishly waiting
This Chicago isn't forgiving
But I guess that's risky living.

Despite that being decidely dark, I am in a wonderful mood. This city is great, and I am having a great time living here. Phil and I are really, really lucky. My parents are helping me out a lot. Thanks Dad!