Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Labor Day

Yesterday was labor day, and Phil, Kelsie, and I attended a party at my parents house. It was quite an eventful day.

First, Phil and I decided to ride flying turtles to Little Rock, and whoa! was that a bad idea. Turtles in the sky aren't any faster than turtles on the ground.  Phil's completely ran out of energy around Mayflower, so we just ditched them there, and swam down the Arkansas river until we got to my parent's house.

Turns out Kelsie drove, and that seemed to work out ok, so we're gonna try that next time. And when we got there, Mom had invited the old neighbors from across the street, which I thought was SO inconsiderate! Kelsie is totally afraid of clowns!!! Especially when they come in threes. She was nice about it though.

So, we hung out for a while, waiting on the food to be ready, and Kelsie would not stop eating! She was just digging her hands in all the food, and shoving it in her mouth. She even ate ribs and macaroni and cheese! It was totally wack. Then she left to go to rehearsal (thank god or she would've eaten everything!)

Then we ate, and Phil's mom made fairydust cherry pie, and it was excellent. Katie's mac and cheese was something supernatural for sure!

Then Phil and I went and got stoned in Matt's rocket, which was fun because I've never been in a rocket before, much less stoned. Then we got out and my Dad and Cassidy went for a ride too.

Then we played beer pong, but instead of using a ping pong table and ping pong balls, we played on naked women with ping pong ball sized rubies and emeralds. And I was really impressed when the naked women didn't complain if someone accidentally threw a ruby into a particularly tender spot.

Then we all ate again. Then Phil and I went back to is place.

                                          The End

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