Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks 2011

I have so much to be thankful for this year.

First of all, I'm thankful that I am not where I was last Thanksgiving. As much as I expected it and wanted it to work out in Chicago this last time, it wasn't good for me.  I am so thankful that I don't have to struggle to pay the bills and to find creative support.  And I am so thankful that I don't work for Kids Science Labs anymore. That seemingly great job turned out to be such a leech on my happiness.  I am so grateful that I never have to write another class that isn't good enough for my old boss. Good riddance!  I am thankful that Phil and I had the courage to call it quits in Chicago.  We had to break our lease, quit our jobs, pack up our shit, and admit that we had failed.  Or at least it felt that way. But I also think that to have at least tried counts for something.

I am thankful that I have a home in Little Rock now.  My best friends (my family) live here, and they add an immense amount of richness to my daily life.  I am thankful for the city that Little Rock is becoming, and I am thankful for the progressive restaurants and natural parks that are now here.  I am thankful for what a rare level my theatre education is considered here.   I have worked as a teacher since June, and it has been such a joy to me.  I love teaching theatre, because I always loved teaching.  Only now I don't have to wrack my brain and invent a way to teach a concept about the water cycle, I can teach ideas in ways that I was taucht them, in ways that I was passionately affected by them.  Teaching theatre isn't about knowledge about the world around you so much as it is about the world inside of you, and I find that fulfilling on an entirely different level.

I am thankful that I have enough support here to have tackled the Halloween Show.  I am thankful I believed in myself and the other Vaggies (ha!) enough, and I am thankful that I got the wonderfully talented cast that I had.  I am thankful, so thankful, to all of the friends who donated to make the show happen, and I am thankful to their attendance to the show.  I am thankful I had the financial and emotional support from Phil at home to be able to even attempt the production.  I am thankful for the people who didn't quit.

I am thankful for Phil's job. I am so happy that he likes it as much as he does, and also that he is able to give me support so that I can pursue jobs that make me happy like him.  And I am thankful that I am old enough now to be humble, young enough to still be confidant, and experienced enough to know how much more there is that I want to know.

This year has really flown by.  I feel like it was just last week that I was leaving Italy.  Will I ever go back? I don't know...  If I do, I know it will come in its own time.

I hope the world doesn't end next year! I have so much more to do!