Tuesday, August 31, 2010


you're like a deep, long-awaited sigh
or a teardrop as it breaks the cusp of my eye.
you're like the last, crisp page of my favorite book.
a hug with my face buried in your neck-crook.
a kiss with soft, supple lips,
or when you rub my back with just your finger tips.
you're like the water which encloses me at the bottom of the pool,
the silent relief from the summer's burning tool.
you're the bitter-sweet mouthful of a really great beer
and you're the breeze in my hair when the sky is blue-clear.

you're the good things in life that balance the bad.
you're the pleasures that banish the sad.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sono Pronta

Since my final day of performance in April, I have essentially been on summer vacation. Except this vacation was unlike any other I have ever experienced. Instead of instantly transitioning from full-time student to full-time employee, working this summer just wasn't an option for me.

For the first six weeks of summer I was stuck in Europe, waiting on Phil to wrap up his job. Luckily we got to take the trip of our lives while we were there. Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Torino: These cities and the culture we witnessed in them will forever affect our perspectives of the world. I gave myself the job of writing the play that's been under my skin for the past three years, and it barely kept me sane in my weeks of complete solitude.

When I arrived back in the States, I couldn't get a job because I needed to take a hiatus (and still am) in Arkansas. I could've worked at the Museum of Discovery, but it fell through. I was busy with Brooke's wedding, mostly the Bachelorette Extravaganza, and with figuring out all the complicated details of migrating up north. Not to mention the two and half week vacation split between Phil's family and mine, that took me on a 6,000 mile road trip that spanned from Los Angeles to Alabama. I saw some amazing sights, learned a thing or two about myself, and saw first hand the damage of the oil spill on the gulf coast.  (That's a huge tarball the dolly is sitting on.)

But now the summer is coming to a close. It's getting cooler outside; the high today is only 91 degrees (instead of the usual scorching 100+). And I am going to reach my final destination, Chicago, in a mere 7 days. When I quit school in Italy, I knew that I would end up back in the Windy City, no matter what it took, because that city is good for me and Phil. In every way. I love it, and when I chose it over New York City 3 years ago, I had no idea of how perfect a fit it would be for us. Or perhaps it changed us? And because of its influence there is no other place for us now? Whatever the reason, we're going back, and I can't FUCKING wait.

I have been lounging about, going for lazy jogs, and stalking the social network scene for far too long! I am ready for a job. A real one, that takes up at least 30 hours of my time a week. I need one for money, but I also need it for sanity. My personality is not comfortable with all this down time, and so I am ready for take off.

Sono pronta, cazzi!